Student's Charter for Conversation Calls

To ensure a good atmosphere and safety for both the student and the teacher, we require each of the enrolled students who will take part into a live conversation with one of Frenchyou's teachers to adhere and respect those guidelines.

"La ponctualité est la politesse des rois"

"Punctuality is the kings' politeness". Therefore we demand our students to be logged in the conversation call portal at the time agreed.

Due to high demand and in order to respect everybody's time, we ask our students to not extend the calls.

The right to respect, dignity and privacy

Every human has the right to dignity, respect and privacy.

Therefore, it is important to behave in a respectful and professional way towards the teachers.

  • Any personal question will be rejected.
  • The student will listen to the teacher and his or her comments and will ask questions related to the content of the conversation or French only.
  • It is forbidden to make offensive or discriminatory comments.
  • By discriminatory, we mean offensive comments based on one of the following criteria:

The gender, the sex, the ethnic, social and cultural origins, the spiritual, trade union and religious beliefs, the sexual orientation, the disability, the state of health, the wealth, the civil status, the physical characteristics, the household situation, the birth and the social background.

Possible sanctions

As per our Terms of Use, if the students find themselves in a breach regarding these guidelines, the teacher has the unilateral right to end the conversation without warning and immiediately and the students will lose all their access to the website, as well as to the online products.

The incident will be reported and reviewed with the management board and a decision regarding the termination of the account of the student will take place.

No refund will be made.

Legal pursuits can be undertaken.

Upon a delay of 10 minutes for the student to join in the call without upfront warning by email to the teacher, the call will be cancelled without warning.

In the case of a breach of one of those guidelines, Frenchyou, represented by its teacher, has the unilateral right to immediately cancel the call without warning.